The quintet of aldermen was outnumbered by an audience of six during the Centralia aldermen’s Aug. 29 special meeting. They witnessed a whole lot of swearing going on during the meeting.
Swearing in of city staff that is.
They discussed and approved two of the mayor’s appointments. Tara Strain as city administrator and Marilyn Dick as city clerk.
Strain discussed the city clerk’s position. She said they would reinstate the deputy city clerk’s position to support the city clerk’s position.
Cox said there would be a part-time position as well as a deputy city clerk position. “We don’t want anybody drowning or burned out, this will help… We are going to get things settled down first,” Cox said regarding the part-time position.
The aldermen unanimously approved Cox’ appointing Marilyn Dick as city clerk; Beth Kable as deputy city clerk, and Strain as city administrator, minus Alderman Don Rodgers who was absent.
Strain thanked the aldermen for giving her the opportunity to serve.
They also approved the appointment of Erin Eastin to the Centralia Public Library Board.
Next on the agenda was employee compensation, they unanimously voted to set Strain’s annual salary at $78,000 and Marilyn Dick’s at $54,845.
Then they discussed Centralia’s Sunday liquor license hours to align them with the county ordinance, it passed 4-1 with Harold Deckerd voting against the change.
From there, Centralia Mayor Chris Cox said he had received calls complaining about “alternative lifestyle books,” in the Centralia Public Library.
For the complete article, see next week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.