Centralia’s Knights of Columbus and members of Centralia VFW Post 6276 are working together this Saturday, November 4 to raise money for the upkeep of Centralia’s historic Avenue of Flags from 4 to 7 p.m., members of the Knights and VFW will be cooking up mega-gallons of chili and ham and beans at the Knights’ Spirit Hall, 20650 North Hwy. 124, just outside Centralia’s west side.
The event is an all-you-can- eat dinner to help raise money to maintain the Avenue of Flags.
Costs have been going up, VFW spokesman Dennis Mills said, and the money charged to raise a flag on the Avenue of Flags to honor a fallen veteran no longer covers the cost of the flag, flag-pole, clips, nuts and bolts and nameplate that honors each veteran memorialized on the Avenue of Flags.
“All the proceeds go to the Avenue of Flags,” Mills said. “Flags have gone up, poles have gone up. Clips, nuts and bolts and we just had to get a new trailer made to haul the flag poles. Everything has gone up in price and the money we take in does not meet the cost.”
He said Knights of Columbus are donating the use of the Spirit Hall and supplying the chili and the VFW is supplying the ham and beans. Sides include cornbread, desserts, drinks and hot dogs.