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Centralia Library Board hears content concerns

Posted on Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 5:59 am

‘Policy, not agenda’

Though it marked the discussion of the Centralia Public Library’s annual audit, that was not why 16 people lined the south wall of the Joyce Miller Children’s Room during the library board’s September meeting.

Nine of them were there to discuss the inclusion of four children’s books formerly occupying the children’s room new arrival shelf.

The children’s books in question are: Jack (Not Jackie), by Erica Silverman; My Awesome Brother, by Lise’ Frances; Pink is for Boys, by Robb Pearlman; and Uncle Bobby’s Wedding, by Sarah Brannen.

Though several spoke against their presence in the children’s room, those wanting them removed sounded as if they were there in support of Lauren Benoit, mother of three.

Benoit was very complimentary of the library and its staff and said she did not advocate censorship.

She asked the four children’s books be removed from the children’s section of the library and placed where no child eighth grade or younger be allowed access to them.

For the complete article, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.

Below are audio recordings of some of the comments made at the meeting.

Listen to Lauren Benoit below

Listen to Jessica Orsini below.

Listen to Bob Benoit and others below.