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Centralia Panthers basketball hosts Monroe City for Winterwarming

Posted on Saturday, February 12, 2022 at 4:35 am

Girls win 54-6, boys lose 54-36

Jozelynn Bostick scores a jumper.

The first Centralia High School Winterwarming had some up and some down for Centralia basketball fans.

Anaka Hombs akes a shot

The Lady Panthers deeply dominated visiting Monroe City. They kept them out of double digits the whole game.

Centralia led 19-1 in the first, 32-4 in the second, 43-4 in the third and finished the game 54-6.

Morgan Ross led Centralia with 17 points, followed by Jozelynn Bostick with 10. Katie Carrico, Baylee Beard, Emily Berendzen and Annie Robinson scored four each.

Audri Youngblood led Monroe City with three.


Listen to Centralia Lady Panthers Head Coach Becca Schemmer discuss the game here.

Things were tougher for Centralia’s boys team.

They gave top-ranked in Class 1 Monroe City a tough game, especially in the first half, but observers and Centralia Head Coach Scott Humprhey said athleticism and conditioning won out in the end.

Monroe City led all four quarters: 19-11 in the first, 27-17 in the second, 37-23 in the third and when the final buzzer sounded, 54-36.

Senior Grant Erisman led Centralia with 14 points. Logan Rosenfelder backed him up with six. Ramsey Webb Beau Gordon and Cullen Bennett each scored four.

Noah Brooks dives for the ball

Joshua Tolton led the game and Monroe City with 22 points.

Ramsey web sinks a fade-away jumper

Listen to Coach Scott Humphrey discuss the game here.

Next up for Centralia is Southern Boone, Tuesday, February 15 at home.