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Centralia R-VI Board discusses student safety, expansion

Posted on Tuesday, October 17, 2023 at 5:11 pm

An audience of eight listened to the Centralia School Board discuss potential expansion plans, plans to improve utility efficiency and student safety the evening of October 9 at the board office on Rollins Street.

R-VI Superintendent Steven Chancellor, pulling data wire at the CHS construction site

A Paragon Architecture representative discussed three options for expansion. One aspect, if expansion is approved, it would come off the central portion of the building.

Pre-K through second grade would share several facilities such as restrooms, she said.

A full-size competition gym would also be included in the expansion, which could include a stage. This she said, would also function as the building’s “safe room.” There would also be a multi-purpose space that would serve as a cafeteria for those grades, though the building’s main kitchen would remain the same. The multi-purpose room would also have what the architect describes as a “catering kitchen.” The current plan calls for the meals carted from the kitchen to the multi-purpose room.

Both options seat around 520 students.

Steven Chancellor, R-VI superintendent, said the additional gym will make the district more attractive for post-season tournaments and allow the current tournaments to be completed in a timelier manner.

For the complete article, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.