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Centralia residents running as write-in candidates for Ward I

Posted on Wednesday, March 30, 2022 at 4:44 pm

A pair of Centralia men are running as write-in candidates for the open Ward I seat on Centralia’s Board of Aldermen.

Harold Deckerd and Dale Hughes are competing for the seat and honor of representing Centralia’s first ward.


Harold Deckerd, candidate for Ward I

Dale Hughes, candidate for Ward I

Below are their answers to the Centralia Fireside Guard’s candidate questionnaire.

1.  Discuss the qualifications you offer to the citizens and staff of the city of Centralia.  Example: your educational background, previous community service, work experience, etc.

Deckerd: I  have a BS and MS in civil engineering from Missouri S&T. I worked for the Natural Resources Conservation Service for 38 years. I managed four federal programs when I retired. I previously served on the South Harrison Board of Education.

Hughes: I graduated from OSU-OKC with my CMB Basic and graduated from Hannibal LaGrange with my EMT Paramedic. I served with Mustang Fire Dept., Centralia Fire Dept., as a volunteer. I volunteered for Oklahoma County Emergency Mgt. and volunteered for the American Red Cross Disaster team and was a coordinator for Oklahoma County Family  Services, as well as member of the Centralia Planning and Zoning Commission for 12 years.

2.  What ideas to you see as being important to the continued growth and success of the city of Centralia.

Deckerd: Maintain a well-trained workforce. Provide quality services and infrastructure for the residents. Keep city equipment up to date to allow staff to do their jobs well. Maintain a safe working environment.

Hughes: To continue building new homes and hopefully make some of the new homes into rental homes. Continue to try bringing new businesses along with food trucks to Centralia.

3. As a prospective elected official, describe how you envision your professional relationship with the citizens and staff of the city.

Deckerd: The board of aldermen serve as a link between the residents of Centralia and the city staff. Aldermen need to be the “eyes and ears,” of the needs of the city.

Hughes: To have good relationship with citizens and to list to their concerns about what’s going on with Centralia. Working closely with city staff and their getting projects done.

4. Are there any special  ideas, concerns or plans that would be a high priority for you as an elected official of the Centralia city government.

Deckered: Ensure city taxes, fees and charges are fair and equitable to residents, but also sufficient to provide quality services for the present and future.

Hughes: Putting sidewalks along Cox Street. Putting sidewalks on S. Rollins down to Gano Chance with an off at Bryson to connect south of the high school.