Reverend Robert Hudson, Littleby Baptist Church
“Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God” Romans 1:1
A short verse as the start of Paul’s letter to the church in Rome but the statements in contains are powerful. They point to how Paul viewed his service to Jesus and how it was reflected in his ministry and his life. Each of the three statements found in this introductory statement are encouragements for each of us and should shape how we live our lives and serve our God.
Paul called himself a servant of Christ Jesus. The point Paul was making is that he is at the mercy of Jesus. He is willing to go wherever Jesus wants him to go to reach the lost. He is willing to do whatever is needed to carry out the Lord’s will and Paul is not worried about the cost.
In his second letter to the Corinthian church, Paul lists some of the trials he faced. He was beaten, lashed, shipwrecked, stranded at sea, attacked, robbed, had gone without food, water, clothing, and much more. Beyond the troubles, Paul was not afraid of hard work. He was a tent maker by trade and was known to work to provide for himself and others so as not to be a burden on those he was ministering to.
Paul was a servant of Christ Jesus, and he went where Jesus sent him, worked hard to provide for his needs, and endured some horrible hardships all to carry the awesome Gospel message of Jesus to the lost. As we walk through our lives remember Paul’s example.
For the complete column, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard