Reverend David Hartgrove, Crossroads Cathedral Assembly of God
God ordained marriage and blessed it. Marriage has taken a beating in our culture, yet even at that more people than ever are making plans for marriage and seeking to be married. I
n the New Testament Book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul encourages the believers to resist the pressures of the culture of their day to make little of marriage. Paul explains that sexual relationships outside of marriage are out of the boundaries of God’s highest plan for marriage. Paul declares that the true meaning of marriage is that it is a representation of the relationship between Christ and His Church. The church is the bride of Christ and Christ is the husband of the bride. Paul encourages the bride or the wife to be a good listener to the husband and likewise the husband to listen to the wife. This is what Paul is referring to when he uses the words, “ submit to and love one another.” Paul is not encouraging either party to be dominating and overbearing, but rather willing to value one another with common respect and love.
For the complete column, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.