By Lorry Myers
My Christmas decorations are up in the attic. I know where they are, right by the door, waiting for someone to open it. The attic holds the outside lights my husband would hang along with tubs of awesome or outdated decorations. Randy was the one who got the holiday season started by bringing it all down from the attic.
Now, it is my son.
Taylor is like his dad; he thinks that his mother dragging down boxes while balanced on a ladder, is not a great idea. As a result, I have limited exposure to my attic, however, I am told it holds a wonderland of my life. Old pictures from the old house, trinkets and treasures that are only treasures to me. There are cartons with labels and tubs without lids and then, those Christmas decorations.
Waiting to come down.
Last year, I streamlined the number of boxes I needed from the attic. I have no plans for the outside lights, or anything that requires an extension ladder or extension cords. I only need one tree, the same ornaments from the year before, and a few other miscellaneous items that are hard to explain. That’s why it’s all been sorted and tagged with yellow duct tape so there’s no guessing which holiday decorations stay up in the attic, and which ones get to come down.
The attic is deep and full of shadows but holds everything I want to keep with room for more. A table with removable legs that Randy made. Dress bags with fancy dresses and shoes boxes full of old letters. Suddenly I realize that anything in the attic might never see daylight again.
Except when the attic is open to get out those Christmas decorations.
I don’t know where else to put them. I don’t have an unattached outbuilding and my closets each have a purpose. The tool shed holds the tools, my garage closet holds my garage stuff and my storage cabinet hides my suitcase, travel coolers and a single box of Halloween decor. The multi-boxes of Christmas decorations have to go into the attic.
For the complete column, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.