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Story Time: The year in parts

Posted on Tuesday, December 26, 2023 at 6:18 pm

By Lorry Myers

I find myself at the end of the year ready to begin a new one. It is always the last days that I tend to look back before I can look forward. For some reason, I feel the need to justify what I did with the days, and weeks, and months that I am leaving behind.

What did I do with my 2023?

The past year had its ins and outs and ups and downs. I was hurt by a friend, but then made two new ones. I left something I loved and found something I loved just as much. I’ve been disappointed and disenchanted and disengaged all at the same time. I’ve also been enthralled and involved and into the life I live.

That’s not all.

I frequented birthday parties and soccer games and football on Friday night. I attended school plays, band concerts, and picnics in the park. I earned sweet kisses, hard hugs, and heard my name called in the night. I said my prayers, held my breath and then, held a new grandbaby with all my dreams in her eyes.

That was the best part of 2023.

Then there were the days I watched the sunrise behind a tombstone and the moonrise from my lawn chair. I sat on the porch while it rained and by the fireplace when it snowed. My kitchen was painted, my golf cart was serviced, and I surprised myself by buying a shed. I remembered to get my oil changed, I mowed my yard, and took out my trash.

That part never seems to end.

In 2023, I schemed with my sisters, giggled with my girlfriends, and held my daughters when they cried. When my mother grew frail, I helped move her into assisted living. When she decided to sell her home, I cleaned out every drawer, I opened every door, and sorted through my mother’s life.

For the complete column, see this week’s edition of the Centralia Fireside Guard.